28 December 2010

The First NFL TUESDAY Night Football game EVER!?!?

Did I actually say that? Well who would have thought that this day would ever come? Now one may not have thought originally that this is so strange, but how this Tuesday night prime time game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Minnesota Vikings came to be is another story all it's own. Now I am a fairly recent football fanatic, however, I feel like I have pretty good knowledge of the game, and as far as I know, snow is what makes football games more majestic and tough, though now the NFL feels that they have to 'protect' everyone, players and fans alike, from the natural elements.... What??? Um I am a fan, and if there is a snow storm I have enough sense to go to the game or not to go depending on my better judgement, but now we have the NFL telling the fans basically that our judgement is useless and they will make the decisions for us??? This is absolutely absurd to me. What about you? Do you feel that the NFL is turning way too soft??? Tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Well I don't know about your other readers, but I do know that Ed Rendell - governor of Pennsylvania agrees with you...

    check out this link for a good laugh - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/28/AR2010122803150.html
