28 February 2011

Giving Up and Moving Forward....

Sometimes in life, we as people begin to create certain habits, that are either unhealthy in the beginning, or become unhealthy after too much use... In my case at this moment, it's cigarettes... Yes I know, many of you will say, "Well you shouldn't have started smoking in the first place", and I do agree, however I did become addicted to the dreaded cancer sticks, and now it is time to give them up and move the hell on...

The road to my decision to FINALLY once and for all quit cigs has been very long and difficult for me, especially since every time I decide to quit, many of the people in my life who smoke, really made it hard for me to keep my commitment because what I was trying to keep away from was around ALL the time... But something has definitely got to give... I've smoked for probably almost 7 years, that's damn near a decade, and since I'm still young and my health is still intact as of now, I might as well give it up so I can begin enjoying my life even more fully without that old ball and chain holding me back from the things that I want to do...

For some reason, a part of me feels like I am losing a friend, but in a different way, I have to look at it as losing a friend that has held me down and held me back for far too long, and now it's time for me to take back control of myself and my life, and move toward a much healthier, much more positive way of thinking and way of life...

Now, through all my reading on quitting, everyone at some point says that you have to start creating new positive habits to replace the cigs... So in honor of my commitment of being smoke free, I am going to commit myself to picking up my old friend (my Nikon camera) and force myself to go out and find something interesting or inspiring or wacky (you get the point) to photograph and share with all of YOU!! Basically in an attempt to get this blog really going and in an attempt to keep on the path of creating new and healthy habits, I am going to post probably REALLY random stuff, so bear with me, as I am sure this will be a long journey for me!! However, one post per day for the next 10 days, tomorrow, March 1st being Day 1!!!

Be on the look out!! March 1st thru March 10th!! 10 days of seeking inspiration, seeking health, seeking peace of mind and self...

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